This website is Customized and Maintained by the Technical Team, District Court, Cuttack.
In case you have any query regarding this website, you may write to the System Officer
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You can also contact us at the following address:
For Administrative Related Query | For Website Related Query |
Registrar, Civil Courts, Cuttack Office of The District & Sessions Judge, Cuttack Near Orissa High Court, Chandini Chowk, Cuttack, pin-753002 djadmin[dot]ctc-od[at]gov[dot]in or reg[dot]cuttack-od[at]indiancourts[dot]nic[dot]in 0671-2951002 |
System Officer, District Court, Cuttack Computer Server Room, District Court, Cuttack Near Orissa High Court, Chandini Chowk, Cuttack, pin-753002 so[dot]od-cuttack[at]gov[dot]in 0671-2951477 |
Contact these following officials only for office related queries:
Sl No. | Name | Designation | Phone | |
1 | Sri Sunakar Nayak | Chief Administrative Officer, Dist. Court, Cuttack | djadmin[dot]ctc-od[at]gov[dot]in | +91 9437741745 | 2 | Mohammad Abdul Karim | Head Clerk, Dist. Court, Cuttack | djadmin[dot]ctc-od[at]gov[dot]in | +91 7978771465 |
3 | Sri Girish Chandra Ray | Deputy Administrator, District Court, Cuttack | | +91 9776904545 |
4 | Sri Basanta Kumar Mohanty | Court Manager, District Court, Cuttack | mohantybasanta[at]gmail[dot]com | +91 9861250401, 0671-2951003 |
5 | Sri Surendra Kumar Sahoo | Asst. Deputy Administrator, District Court, Cuttack | surasahoo1984[at]gmail[dot]com | +91 9437366046 |
Sl No. | Name | Qualification | Designation | |
1 | Shri Abinash Pattnaik | B.Tech (C.S.E.), M.B.A. | System Officer | so[dot]od-cutack[at]gov[dot]in |
2 | Shri Sai Banamali Tripathy | M.Sc. (IT) | System Assistant | sa1[dot]od-cuttack[at]gov[dot]in |
3 | Shri Soubhagya Kumar Nayak | M.C.A. | Technical Personnel | soubhagya2k15[at]gmail[dot]com |
4 | Shri Sonu Subham Beura | M.C.A. | Technical Personnel | sonusubhambeura177[at]gmail[dot]com |
5 | Ms. Pratikshya Sadangi | M.C.A. | System Assistant, VWDC | sadangipratikshya[at]gmail[dot]com |